How to Take Care of Your Contacts
One of the quickest ways for contact lens wearers to get an eye infection is to not take proper care of them. If you wear contact lenses every day, we have a few tips to help you keep them cleaner and your eyes rid of an eye infection. Let’s take a closer look at how.
Wash Your Hands
Before you even pick up your contact lens to put them in or before you go to take them out, make sure that you wash your hands with warm water and soap. Dirty hands are one of the fastest ways to spread bacteria to your eye and cause an eye infection or problem.
Clean Your Contacts
Contact cleaning solution isn’t just some sort of marketing scheme to try to get you to buy more things for your eyes; in fact, contact cleaning solution is one of the best ways for you to ensure that your contacts and eyes stay as clean as possible. Before you put your contacts in their case at night and before you put them in in the morning, squirt a little bit of contact solution directly onto your contacts; this will help get off any dirt, germs, or bacteria.
Clean Your Contact Case
You may not realize it, but that small contact lens case that you have on your counter may be harboring more germs and bacteria than you know of. Try getting in the habit of washing out your contact lens case every couple of days with some hot water.
Switch Them Out
If you wear dailies, then you know that you can put them in the trash can every night, but when it comes to regular disposable contact lenses, about every 1-3 months on average. Depending on the type of contact lenses you get, we will tell you how often to switch them out.
Taking good care of your eye health starts with doing simple things like getting regular eye exams and taking good care of your contact lenses. If you want to learn more about your vision health, schedule a consultation with us at our Papale Eye Center Springfield office and call us at (413) 782-0030.