3 Ways to Avoid An Eye Infection During the Holidays
The last thing anyone wants during the holidays is a nasty cold or virus; especially when it involves your eyes. To help you steer clear of an eye infection, we have created a brief list of a few things that you should try. Ready to learn more? Read on
Wash Off Your Eye Makeup
Going to holiday parties is all about dressing up, right? And one of the most fun ways to really accentuate your holiday look is by wearing some fun, holiday-inspired makeup. Before you hop into bed after your party, make sure to wash off all of your eye makeup. Why? Dirty eyes can lead to an eye infection either in the eye itself, on the eyelids, or around the eye; something you want to avoid. Plus, too much makeup can clog your tear ducts which may lead to a sty or chalazion. To fully get rid of your eye makeup, use a gentle eye makeup remover and then follow up with a facial cleanser to get off any oil or residue.
Wash Your Hands
Our motto around our office? Wash, wash, wash. Just because it’s the holidays it doesn’t mean that the cold and flu season has gone on vacation. To avoid getting any sort of virus that may be going around, make sure that you wash your hands as much as possible. After all, the last thing you want is to get a bacterial eye infection that you got by shaking someone’s hand.
Keep Your Lenses Clean
If you are a contact lens wearer then make sure that you are keeping them as clean as possible. Every night before you go to bed make sure that you are not only putting clean contact lens solution into your case, but that you are cleaning your case as well. A lot of people don’t know it, but your contact lens case can harbor a lot of germs and bacteria which can lead to an eye infection.
Skip the eye infections this holiday season. To learn more about your vision, schedule an appointment with us at our Springfield office and call us today at (413) 782-0030.