3 Ways to Get Some Relief from Your Spring Allergies
If you are like most people then you may be both really excited about the warm spring weather even though you are suffering from seasonal allergies. If it seems like that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get rid of your itchy, water, red eyes, then this article is just for you. Here at Papale Eye Center, we have created a list of a few tips to help you find some much needed relief.
Over-the-Counter Eye Drops
If you haven’t already tried some over-the-counter eye drops then run— don’t walk— to your nearest pharmacy. Oftentimes, your eyes get really red and itchy because they are dry. Luckily, with some over the counter allergy eye drops for dry eyes, they can lubricate your eyes which will help you get rid of any discomfort or itchiness in the process.
Try Warm Cloths
Sometimes when our eyes get really irritated it can be hard to calm them down. Before you go to bed at night, wash your face and then get a clean, warm, wet washcloth and place it over your eyes. The warmth will help your eyes to tear up which may help to get rid of any allergens in them in the process. Plus, the heat and moisture should help to calm down your inflammation as well.
Watch the Eye makeup
If you are notorious for wearing a lot of eye makeup, consider giving it a little bit of a break. Why? Even though your eye makeup itself may not be causing a problem, it may exacerbate your allergy symptoms; making things feel a lot worse.
Come in for an Exam
If you can’t seem to find any relief from your eye allergies— no matter what you do— then it’s time to come into our office for an examination. During your exam, we will take a closer look at your eyes, and maybe do some testing just to make sure that you are in, fact, suffering from allergies and not anything else.
Are you interested in learning a little bit more about how you can kick your spring allergies to the curb? If so, contact us today and call us at our Springfield office at (413) 782-0030.