Take A Closer Look At Your Genes: What Your Genetics Mean For Your Vision
Getting your mother’s good looks and your dad’s wit is something to definitely be proud of, but getting stuck with some genetic eye conditions is something that nobody wants. Here at Papale Eye Center, we see patients for a variety of different reasons including some of the genetic conditions listed in this article.
Genetic Eye Conditions
Genetic Conditions In Infants
More than 60 percent of eye conditions in infants that cause blindness are genetic and include conditions such as congenital cataracts, retinal degeneration, optic atrophy, congenital glaucoma, and eye malformations.
Lazy eye or strabismus is a condition where one of your eyes goes the other way and usually presents itself in young children; this is another condition that is linked to genetics but can easily be treated with non-invasive procedures like wearing an eye patch or glasses.
Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration
The two leading causes of blindness in adults are glaucoma and macular degeneration. Although these two diseases can be caused by a variety of things, one of the biggest links is genetics. With both of these conditions, if you catch them early on, they can usually be treated and you can stop them from getting worse.
If you have a family history of any of these diseases, make sure to tell us in your next eye exam. The more we know about your medical history and your family’s medical history, the easier it will be for us to keep an eye out for these diseases.
Are you ready to schedule an eye exam at Papale Eye Center? If so, contact our Springfield office today and call us at 413) 782-0030.